Have you ever had a school bully or one of the really popular girls say to you that you're just like everyone else, or that you stink? What were you feeling at that time? Sad, depressed, angry, alone, normal. Did you wish you were prettier, smarter, more popular? Did you wish you were someone else at that time?

Someone told me that once. I was devastated. I wished I could go home at that time, snuggle up in my bed and cry. But you know what I did? I stood up for myself. I knew inside that the only reason they were making fun of me is because they were self-conscious about them self, they were jealous of me. For what? I thought. Why would anyone me jealous of me? Then it hit me! They were jealous of me because I knew who I was. I knew that I was special, I knew that I was perfect the way I was. They must not be secure in themselves, and they wanted to make fun of me because I am. I thought again.

No one is perfect, right? So, who is anyone to judge you for not imperfect yourself. Who says you're not perfect? Who says you're not beautiful? Who says you're not worth it? Who says you're not good enough? Who says you're stupid? The ones who say that are the ones who wish they were different. The ones who love them self in a healthy way are the ones who will live life happy and to the fullest extent. They are the ones who will be called to greater things, they are the ones who will have most fun, they will be the healthiest, and the ones who enjoy life most.
So, be you're own firework, let your colors show, show the others what you're worth. Build people up, don't let them down. You are your own, and it's impossible to be like anyone else, so why try? Have fun, be yourself, you will be happier if you do!

Someone told me that once. I was devastated. I wished I could go home at that time, snuggle up in my bed and cry. But you know what I did? I stood up for myself. I knew inside that the only reason they were making fun of me is because they were self-conscious about them self, they were jealous of me. For what? I thought. Why would anyone me jealous of me? Then it hit me! They were jealous of me because I knew who I was. I knew that I was special, I knew that I was perfect the way I was. They must not be secure in themselves, and they wanted to make fun of me because I am. I thought again.
No one is perfect, right? So, who is anyone to judge you for not imperfect yourself. Who says you're not perfect? Who says you're not beautiful? Who says you're not worth it? Who says you're not good enough? Who says you're stupid? The ones who say that are the ones who wish they were different. The ones who love them self in a healthy way are the ones who will live life happy and to the fullest extent. They are the ones who will be called to greater things, they are the ones who will have most fun, they will be the healthiest, and the ones who enjoy life most.
So, be you're own firework, let your colors show, show the others what you're worth. Build people up, don't let them down. You are your own, and it's impossible to be like anyone else, so why try? Have fun, be yourself, you will be happier if you do!
Bailee <3
Good going, Bailee!